Monday, March 31st, 2025 @ 6:30 PM


2025 Membership Cards have been mailed!

Sign Up for our Weekly Club Happenings Email

Weekly Happenings Published Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

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No Smoking on the ramps or porches of the club - this is in violation of MA State Laws

Please distance yourself from the club when having a smoke and dispose of your butts properly! 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

John has put up a locked mail box on the back wall by our closet.

This mail box is for any paperwork including taxes and dues that you need to turn in. It will be checked weekly.

Upcoming Events

Please visit the Calendar page for lots of upcoming Events!!

Subscribe to our Calendar on your Mobile Device

The Queen of Hearts Drawing & Friday Nights

The Queen is Back - Join us on Friday nights for a great meal and the Queen Drawing!

Weekly total updates are published in our Club Happenings Email - sign up if you do not already receive them!

Club opens at 5:00 - Drawing at 7:00

Line Dance with Teri

Tuesday's @ The Club

Beginner Lesson 6:30 - 7:15

Beyond Beginner Lesson 7:15 - 8:00

Follow us on Facebook ~  Templeton Tuesday Dancers.

For more information, please contact Teri -

Last Updated: 9/4/24


Every Tuesday Behind the Clubhouse @ 6:00 during the Summer Months

.22 Shoots is DONE for the 2024 Season

See you next year!

TFG Club 22 RIMFIRE Rifle Shoots!

Start time 6:30 - 50 Yards

Open PEEP, or Ghost Ring sights only, No Scopes, Red Dot, or Laser Sights

No Sling or Arm Locking Devices


Wednesday nights from 6 pm to about 9 pm

All Welcome ~ Double Elimination

$5 entry fee per player

For More Info contact Terry McGrady

Text or call - (978) 855-2888 ~ Email -

The Club

The Templeton Fish and Game Club is located on approximately 200 acres of land in Templeton, Massachusetts. The club property offers fantastic amenities including a clubhouse, beach, pond, 2 pavilions, barbeque pit, kitchen facilities, bandstand, playground, horseshoe area, shooting range and lots that are leased to club members.  Rentals to the public are available.

The Range

The Templeton Fish & Game Club offers a shooting range for members and is available Monday - Saturday 9:00 AM - 1/2 hour after Sunset, and Sunday's 10:00 AM until 1/2 hour after Sunset.  No Alcohol or Glass Bottles allowed.  Visit the Range page for more details!

Partridgeville Pond

Partridgeville Pond is surrounded by lots that have permanent homes and trailers that are leased by club members and private citizens. The pond is stocked each year with bass, perch and pickerel and has a “Catch and Release” rule. The Club beach offers a sanded area that is available to members and their guests and a pavilion and beach area to those renting the facilities.

About Us

The Templeton Fish and Game Club, Inc., located on Club Road in Templeton, Massachusetts, was established in 1934. The Club’s purpose is to promote the interest of legitimate sport with Rod and Gun, to aid in enforcing the laws for the protection and propagation of fish and game within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and to aid in seeking such legislation in this direction as may be needed. The Club has a membership of approximately 400 members governed by a 9 member, board of directors. The Templeton Fish and Game Club is located on approximately 200 acres of land. Club property offers fantastic amenities including a clubhouse, beach, pond, 2 pavilions, barbeque pit, 
kitchen facilities, bandstand, playground, horseshoe area, shooting range and lots that are leased to club members.  Facilities and grounds of the Templeton Fish and Game Club, Inc. can be leased for events by club members or the public. This is a beautiful facility to rent when seeking a venue for events, weddings, functions or outings. Partridgeville Pond is surrounded by lots that are leased by club members and private citizens. The pond is stocked with bass, perch and pickerel and has a “Catch and Release” rule. The Club beach offers a sanded area that is available to members and their guests and a pavilion and beach area to those renting the facilities.

Pond View Pub

The Pond View Pub is Closed for the Season!

Proud Sponsor of the Greater Gardner 
Youth Street Hockey Association

AED Machine @ The Club!

It is in an alarmed box on the wall by the cellar door.

PLEASE be assured it can be used by anyone under an emergency and provides full instructions at the time of use.

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